GENERATION: | 05 | ||
LINEAGE Of: | Douglas and Pearline Crawford |
Douglas Deceased |
DAUGHTER: | Cecillette Ann Crawford |
DOB: | October 27, 1954 |
DOD: |
19– |
SPOUSE: | LeVoyd McClain |
Deceasd 9/16/1993 |
DOB: | April 12, 1956 |
DOD: |
19– |
Daughter/Son Of: | Richard and Pricilla McClain | Both Deceased |
Historical Statement: |
I am the third child out of five born to Doug and Pearline Crawford in High Point, NC at High Point Memorial. I graduated from High Point Central High School in 1974 where I was on the volleyball and softball team. I attend First Emmanuel Baptist Church and am a member of the Senior Usher Board #2. I am employed with First Student as a Safety Monitor and Thomas Built Buses in Housekeeping. I am a proud mother of one daughter, LaQuita McClain. Hobbies include: shopping, decorating, and traveling.
IMAGE(s): |
SON(s): | None | ||
DAUGHTER(s): | LaQuita Daniel McClain | ||