William Edward Phillips


Collis Hurbert and Jessie Cherry Phillips


SON: William Edward Phillips    
DOB: 1943


SPOUSE:  Christina Rose Phillips    
DOB: 19–


Daughter/Son Of:  Bessie Rose  
Historical Statement:

    William Edward, known to family and friends as Billy, was born in Lincoln County, North Carolina.  Billy lived with his parents in the Shelby and Claremont areas of NC during his early years.  He later met and married Christine Rose. In more recent years Billy moved to Charlotte, NC where he works as a contract carpenter and is the leader of a professional band.
Billy is a talented musician; and, he has a growing career with his own band known as the QCS. Billy received his first professional performance opportunity thru a company known as the Dynamics in 1965.  Since that time he has performed in concerts with big name groups such as The Tams, The Drifters, The Platters, and the Zodiacs.  Billy has traveled across the eastern US performing primarily in colleges, Universities, and some night clubs and some resort areas.  Billy’s son Terry Edward Phillips is also a talented instrumentalist and sometimes performs with his father.
Born to this family were 5 children.



SON(s):  Tellis Jerome, Terry Edward
DAUGHTER(s):  Shanda, Saundra, Sharon



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