Senora Culbreath


William Hurbert and Anna Bell Phillips


DAUGHTER: Senora Phillips Culbreath    
DOB: 1920


SPOUSE: Homer Culbreath    
DOB:  1920


Daughter/Son Of:  Edward Lewis and Mamie Lewis  
Historical Statement:

Senora was born in Patterson Springs, North Carolina where she grew up on her parent’s farm. Senora met and married Homer Culbreath in 1941. They later moved to Charlotte, N.C. where they lived most of their adult years. Their life style was one of city dwelling and employment in commercial establishments. Both Senora and Homer were faithful members of their church. Homer was truely committed to Christ. He was chairman of the Deacon board of his church and was dearly loved by his family, his church and was as dear as a brother to other members of the P:hillips family. Senora is currently a Deaconess and faithful worker in many other areas of the church.


They were blessed to build a lovely home early in their lives. When other family members visit Charlotte, their home has seemed to always be the first stop. Home died in a tragic automobile accident in 1982. Senora currently lives in their home in Charlotte where she is retired and an active member of senior citizens groups within the city.

Born to Senora and Homer was one daughter:




Senora Phillips Culbreath  

DAUGHTER(s):  Earline Culbreath Jordan



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