George and Mary Phillips


William Hurbert and Anna Bell Phillips


SON: George Phillips    
DOB: 1918


SPOUSE: Mary Cowans Phillips    
DOB:  19–


Daughter/Son Of:  Louis Cowans and Annie Cowans  
Historical Statement:  

     George was born near Patterson Springs, North Carolina and grew up on his parent’s farm in that area. He later met and married Mary Cowans; and, they lived most of their adult years in North Carolina in or near Charlotte. Their life style was one of city dwelling and employment in public establishments. George and Mary were very devoted to each other. They loved their children and tried to instill within them Godly principles. George and Mary purchased a lovely home in Charlotte where the family currently lives.

George loved his church where he was a Deacon; and, a faithful worker in many other areas of the church and also in his neighborhood. During his later years he grew weak in body; but, he had a storng determination to go forward in Christ until the end. The care and devotion of a loving wife and children comforted him during a long illness. George died in Charlotte in June 1987.


Born to George and Mary were nine children:




SON(s): George Thomas, William, Nathaniel, Louis and James.
DAUGHTER(s):  Betty P. Crawford, Ella Mae, Arlene P. Winchester, and Patricia.
MILESTONE(s):  Deacon in church



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